Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Taxing my mind

OK, Now it is definite. I am avoiding my taxes. I am doing everything imaginable to not be working on them. Aha! I thought as I was scanning my checkbook for deposits last March. "I haven't updated my blog in so long! I must do that right now. Here are my most very important, cannot wait a minute news items which will invigorate your life immediately.
I have a new blog/web site. Da ta da daaah. It is www.cadajohnson.com. That is where I have posted my dear to the heart art work. I have been working on wall paintings since October with a fervor. An ernest fervor, to be exact. This painting of the dancer is my first completed piece of a series of four. Today, I finished the second painting and I will be posting it soon. But.....I told myself that I had to do my taxes first.
Back to it.


Chris Fegles said...

Cada, me too - taxes are to be avoided like at all costs, but just no penalties please! Hey, I've been wondering how you're doing. Last time we communicated you were going through some personal stuff and then we lost touch. Never did come visit you in your studio!

So, how are YOU doing??? Hope things worked out and everything is great for you. I've gone through home interesting changes and now things are settling out for me in some ways, but in upheaval in other good ways - moving into new house in about a month. It's been down there for the last 7yrs now I'm going to have to bond with it soon ;~) Sending you a smile, Chris in Alsea

Chris Fegles said...

Oopps, didn't mean to keep the "like" in that first sentence. Sounds like a valley girl thing. "like" I'm nout!!!! (what i started to say was "like the plague")